Total Number of Microbial Strains
Bacterial culture
Micro algae
Alternative Animal
Our Centre
Welcome to the National College Culture Collection Centre (N4C)
The National College Culture Collection Centre (N4C), established by the PG & Research Department of Biotechnology, Microbiology, and Bioinformatics at National College, is dedicated to advancing scientific research through the provision of authentic microbial cultures. Our mission is to support academic research by supplying a diverse range of microbial strains and offering related scientific services.

Our Goals
Committed to enhance the
academic research
easy acess to microbial cultures
exploration of biotechnological potential of microorganisms
passion for culture collection
How N4C serve your needs?
Cultures can be requested from our online request form.
We receive the request, verify the availability and subculture it for shipping it to you.
Meantime, you will be asked to pay for the receiving the culture in appropriate medium in lyophilized form / plate/ slants or in active culture form.
Each culture costs Rs. 300/- which after adding GST (18%) becomes Rs. 354/- that will be indicated to you via mail, along with a link to pay the amount to College account.
Once the payment is verified, the culture will be shipped to your postal address..

Why did we start charging for serving the culture?
The Culture Collection Centre operates for the past 2 years as a 'free-service' and we had been receiving numerous requests that has become a financial burden to support and supply.
The culture maintenance and repeated sub-culturing involve fairly a high sum of money that needs to be spent for its own maintenance.
We understand that availability of cultures shall enhance one's research and experimental abilities and therefore, we had to charge for its own maintenance at the back end.
Some cultures though listed, may not be available for supply due to its very nature of pathogenicity as we do not intend to give any chance for a mishap. Such cultures (like Shigella, V.cholerae etc.) though identified for record purposes, may not be available in stock. Your understanding is highly appreciated in this regard.
By receiving the requested culture, you agree to use it responsibly, only for the experimental / research purposes and not for any other harmful intentions. You also agree that the culture / microorganism received will be handled responsibly and killed/de-contaminated effectively as per the requirements. It is also agreed that only a skilled personnel / qualified microbiologist shall be handling the culture.