PG and Research Department of Physics
Physics and We….
Mile Stones
- Intermediate Course - 1927
- UG - 1958
- PG - 1963
- Ph.D. - 1975
- M.Phil. - 1979
Learning Physics helps us to understand how the world around us works. The knowledge of Physics is the very basis for most modern technology and studying Physics strengthens quantitative reasoning and problem solving skills that are valuable in areas beyond Physics. Majoring in Physics provides the graduate student the excellent career platform to train the mind in all branches of engineering and information/computer science disciplines. It is also useful to pursue interdisciplinary programs in life sciences, earth sciences, atmospheric sciences and even in economics public policy and journalism. All the College and corporate recruiters recognize the value of analytical brains developed through Physics.
Physics at National College gives a student a transformational experience by virtue of its legacy in the College and well-knit curriculum. The Department of Physics is one of the oldest in the college and is functioning from the prestigious Science Block. It provides a conducive learning environment for the students to develop scientific insights and practical skills in order to apply them for solving real world problems.
The Department regularly arranges workshops, national and international conferences. Students are imparted leadership training through the Physics Association activities. Also, they are highly encouraged to enroll themselves in any one of the co-curricular and club activities in the campus and are sent to the competitions being held in the other Colleges and Universities.
At present, the Department’s faculty strength is 20 (Aided-13, UAP-7) with three non-teaching staff assisting them in the laboratories. The faculty are highly qualified and are involved in both teaching and research. Research grants have been received from the Central and State Government agencies viz. UGC, DRDO, DST, CSIR, DBT and TNSCST. The Department is recognized as one of the STAR Departments in the College under DBT scheme.
In addition to the Core Physics programs, the Department, regularly offers allied and elective Physics courses to the students of other science Departments in the College, especially to those in Chemistry, Mathematics and Geology.
The alumni of the Department are well placed in diverse areas including premier research and educational institutions, public, banking and private sectors. The Department celebrated its Golden Jubilee in 2009 and Diamond Jubilee in 2019. The Department happily welcomes all those students who intend to achieve success in the world with Physics as a means.
Dr. S. Pari, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.,
Head of the Department
S.No. | Retired Staff Names | Designation |
1 | Mr. S. Vedanta Desikan | Faculty, HOD (1959-70) |
2 | Dr. A.C. Padmanaban | Faculty |
3 | Dr. R. Sabesan | Faculty, HOD (1970-86) |
4 | Mr. G. RangaRAMASAMYn | Faculty, HOD (1986-93) |
5 | Mr. V.K. Ramanathan | Faculty, HOD (1993-95) |
6 | Mr. S. Narasimman | Faculty |
7 | Mr. R. Ganapathi Subramanian | Faculty |
8 | Mr. N. RAMASAMYgopalan | Faculty, HOD (1995-96) |
9 | Mr. R. Jagannathan | Faculty |
10 | Mr. R. Ramadurai | Faculty, HOD (1996-97) |
11 | Dr. N. Sundaresan | Faculty |
12 | Dr. R.VaradaRAMASAMYn | Faculty, HOD (1997-99) |
13 | Mr. V. Ranganathan | Faculty, HOD (1999-2004) |
14 | Mr. K. R. Seetharaman | Faculty |
15 | Mr. R. Rangan | Faculty |
16 | Dr. A.R. Ramkumar | Faculty |
17 | Mr. K. Srinivasan | Faculty, HOD (2004-06) |
18 | Dr. M. NataRAMASAMYn | Faculty, HOD (2006-07) |
19 | Mr. P.S. Swaminathan | Faculty |
20 | Dr. M. Palanisamy | Faculty |
21 | Mr. Sankaran | Lab Assistant |
22 | Mr. Desikan | Lab Assistant |
23 | Mr. Karuppannan | Lab Assistant |
24 | Mr. Panchapakesan | Lab Assistant |
25 | Mr. Kaliyarathinam | Lab Assistant |
26 | Mr. N. Chellamuthu | Lab Assistant |
27 | Mr. M. Yegnanarayanan | Lab Assistant |
28 | Mr. S. Sudharsanam | Lab Assistant |
29 | Mrs. K. Kamalam | Lab Assistant |
Programmes offered
Programmes Offered |
B.Sc., Physics (In Aided and Unaided Streams) |
M.Sc., Physics(In Aided and Unaided Streams) |
M.Phil. Physics (In Unaided Stream) |
Ph.D. Physics (Full-Time & Part-Time) |
Certificate Course - Diploma in Fabrication Engineering |
Facilities in the Department
- Electronics, Optics, Crystal growth and General Physics labs for doing variety of physics Experiments
- Class rooms are enriched with ICT teaching aids.
- Physics section in the College library houses around 6,000 books in various branches of Physics with subscriptions to nine research journals.
- A Computer centre with 50 terminals (Common Facility)
- Common instrumentation centre(NCIF) for materials reasearch and characterization
Dr. A.T. Ravichandran et al. have been granted a process patent for their invention.
Patent Number -
Title of Invention -
Name of Patentee -
Patent Office -
321095 dated 11/05/2016
Educational visits abroad
Dr. A. T. Ravichandran had visited the countries Singapore, UAE and Germany as part of his research pursuits.
Book Publications
Dr. S. Pari had published a book on Digital Electronics in Tamil with the support of Government of Tamil Nadu.
Dr.A.T. Ravichandran had co-authored a book viz. Introduction to Thin Films (Jazam Publication, Tiruchirappalli, 2017) along with Dr.K.Ravichandran, Dr.K.Swaminathan, and Dr.B.Sakthivel.
Dr.A.T. Ravichandran had also served as a Guest editor of the publication, International Journal of New innovations. Vol.1, Issue 4,2012. ISSN 2277-4459
Role as Resource Persons
Our faculty regularly share their knowledge and expertise in the academic/ research events conducted in other institutions, seminars, workshops, conferences and through online webinars. The following is the list of some recent activities by the faculty of the department.
- Dr. T.V. Sundar had delivered a talk entitled “X-ray Crystallography- an Ineludable tool in Materials Science” at Government Arts College for Women (Autonomous), Pudukkottai, organized by the Physics Department of the College on 08/2/2019.
- Dr. T.V. Sundar had spoken and demonstrated the Role of Bioinformatics, Chemoinformatics and Data Mining Tools in Molecular Research in the U.G.C. Sponsored Special Interdisciplinary Workshop on Bioinformatics and Chemoinformatics Tools for Molecular Analysis (BCTMA-2019), organized by Postgraduate and Research Department of Physics, held on 8th March 2019, at National College, (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli.
- Dr. M. Kumaresavanji delivered an invited talk on “Green Refrigeration using Nano-Structured Materials” in National workshop on Advanced Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage at Arignar Anna Government Arts and Science College, Karaikal, Puducherry held on 27th February 2020.
- Dr. M. Kumaresavanji delivered a talk on “Nanostructured Materials by template assisted method” in an International webinar organized by Department of Physics, M.V.M Government Arts College for Women, Dindigul held on 22nd July 2020.
- Dr. M. Kumaresavanji spoke on “Nanoscience: Present and Future prospects” in the Physics Association meet organized by Holy Cross College, Tiruchirappalli held on 29th September 2020.
- Dr. M. Kumaresavanji delivered an invited talk entitled “Nanostructured materials for magnetic refrigeration” in the International Conference on Material Physics (ICOMP-2018), organized by Department of Physics, Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli held on 29th January 2018.
- Dr. P. Jaikumar delivered a talk on “Novel materials and its Applications” in the online Webinar organized by PG & Research Department of Physics, Holy Cross College, Tiruchirappalli held on 7th October 2020.
- Dr. P. Jaikumar
- gave a lecture on "Macro to Micro"organized by Department of Physics, Servite Arts & Science, Thogaimalai, Karur on 22nd October 2019.
Refresher and FDP Participation
The faculty of the department along with their regular teaching and research work regularly update their knowledge in the field by taking part in recognized refresher courses, online faculty development programs and enroll in online courses. The following is the list of initiatives of our
- Dr. T.V. Sundar participated and completed the online course “Advanced Course on Special theory of Relativity”organized by Centre for Continuing Education, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur during ( January 26 to May 19, 2020 ).
- Dr. T. V. Sundar attended and Completed an online Course “ Artificial Intelligence- An Innovative Paradigm for Smart Computing” conducted by BECH-RUSA 2.0, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli – 620 024 during April and May 2020.
- Dr. V. Hariharakrishnan participated in UGC Sponsored Refresher course in Educational Technology (Multidisciplinary) from 06-12-2019 to 19-12-2019 in UGC, HRDC, Bharathidasan University Tiruchirappalii-620023.
- Dr. B.S. Srikanth attended the U.G.C. sponsored Refresher Course in Physics from 22/01/2020 to 04/02/2020 at Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.
- Dr. M. Kumaresavanji attended a Faculty Development Program organized by National College, Trichy during 29-30 June and 6-7 July 2019.
- Dr. M. Kumaresavanji attended AICTE sponsored online short term training program (STTP) on “Nanomaterials for clean energy and environmental application” organized by Dr. Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi during 2-7 November 2020.
Research Publications
The members of the Physics faculty regularly register their research endeavors in the form of publications in indexed and peer reviewed journals. The cumulative total of research publications of the entire faculty crosses 30 in the last three academic years (2017-18 to till date). More details such as individual faculty profile, impact of the work, Journal published and citation details can be obtained by accessing the Vidwan profiles of the faculty. Publication metrics can be had from the professional identity information such as ORCID ID/ Scopus ID/ Researcher ID/ Microsoft Academic ID/ Google Scholar ID facilitated there.
Other achievements/Awards/ Membership in Professional bodies, Board of Studies etc.
To enhance research skills and to involve in collaborative work the faculty of Physics have become members in various professional bodies pertaining to their research interests. Experienced staff take active participation in the curriculum development process by serving as subject experts in the board of studies of many autonomous Colleges and the Universities. Membership details can be seen in Faculty expertise details (Vidwan profiles)
Apart from these many of the faculty of Physics serve as external evaluators of M.Phil. Dissertations. Dr. S. Pari plays the role of adjudicator of Ph.D. theses and act as external examiner in the Ph.D. viva-voce examinations. Dr. S. Ravi and Dr. T.V. Sundar had acted as reviewers of some peer reviewed journal publications.
The students of Physics department never fail to bring laurels to the Institution. They always work hard sincerely and excel in their academic duties. Also they take part in various co-curricular and campus club activities and thereby cultivate their social and team work skills. The following is the list of recent achievements by our PHYSICS STUDENTS.
University Ranks
Programme | Student Name | Years of Study | University Rank |
B.Sc. Physics | Mr. B. Vaishnav | 2015-18 | 1 |
B.Sc. Physics | Mr. J. Kharthikeyan | 2016-19 | 4 |
Programme | Student Name | Years of Study | University Rank |
M.Sc. Physics | Ms. E. Sowmya | 2016-18 | 13 |
M.Sc. Physics | Mr. M. Manoleelan | 2017-19 | 10 |
Award winners in the 101st College Day Celebrations (07/3/2020)
- Rtr.V.S.Raagavan, B.Sc Physics (2017-20) won Mr.Tyson -Title presented by Rotary Club of Tiruchirappalli.
- Rtr.V.S.Raagavan, , II B.Sc Physics (2017-20) won Prestigious Mr.RYLA - event conducted by Rotary club of Madurai North.
Endowment Prize Winners
- Dr. V. RANGANATHAN Memorial Endowment Prize for best PG completed student in PHYSICS. - PHPA17008 RAMYA P
- Sri. M. MURUGAIYA UDAYAR Endowment Prize in PHYSICS for the best PG OUT GONE student - PHPA17017 MANOLEELAN M
- Prof. M. NATARAMASAMYN Endowment Prize for best OUTGOING student of II M.Sc. PHYSICS - PHPA18014 SHANTHI M
- Prof. N. RAMASAMYGOBALAN Endowment Prize for best OUTGOING PG PHYSICS student. -PHPA18023 NITHYA J
- Prof. M. PALANISAMY Endowment Prize for best student of MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS in PG PHYSICS - PHPS1901 SHARON P
- Prof. T. S. KRISHNAMOORTHY IYER Endowment prize for best OUTGOING UG PHYSICS student - PHUA17028 VINOTHINI K
- K.V.K. RAMACHANDRAN Endowment Prize for First rank student for First Semester in PHYSICS - PHUA 19018 ESWER R
Association Meetings
The UAP section of the Department had arranged the inauguration of the Physics Association activities for the students on 22-10-20. Dr. P.Mani, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Anna University, BIT Campus, Tiruchirappalli, delivered a special lecture on “OPPORTUNITIES IN PHYSICS –WHAT NEXT?” through Google Meet.
Educational Tour
Nearly 75 students of Physics visited ANNA PLANETARIUM in Trichy on 25/7/2019. They watched a sound and light show about our Universe and Moon.
Nearly 50 students of UG and PG Physics went to an educational trip to Trivandrum during 19 -21, September 2019. They Visited VIKRAM SARABAI SPACE CENTRE (ISRO), TRIVANDRAM. They also visited PRIYADHARSHINI PLANATORIUM and NEIYAAR DAM.
Outreach Program
We arranged an outreach program for the 12 th standard students in Annai girls Hr. Sec. School, Sempattu, Trichy on 25/1/2020. Two of our Physics Professors took classes and explained physics experiments.
Parents-Teachers Meet
Department of Physics arranged parent teachers meet for all UG students on 02/3/2020.
Volunteer in the Science Exhibition
Mr. Pathisen, of II – MSc Physics acted as volunteer in first ever exhibition of mega science projects of India organized by DST and DAE in Vivesvaraya Museum, Bengaluru.
Major Projects
S.No. | Name of the Principal investigator | Sponsoring agency | Project Name and Duration | Grant Received (in Rs.) |
1 | Dr. M. Kumaresavanji | DST-SERB major research project under the Teachers Associateship for Research Excellence (TARE) scheme | Enhancing Magneto-Transport property in Nanostructured Materials
(2019-2022) Ongoing Project |
18.30 lakhs |
2 | Dr.S.Ravi | Defence Research Development Organisation, Government of India, New Delhi , India. (DRDO) | Experimental and Theoretical characterization of specific Nano drug delivering fluorocarbon emulsions using ultrasound (2012-15) | 14.77 lakhs |
3 | Dr.A.T.Ravichandran | Major Research Project UGC XII plan | Bulk growth of Triglycine Sulphate(TGS) and Potassium acid phthalate(KAP) Single crystals for Device fabrication (2012-15) | 12.26 lakhs |
Total Financial Support | 45.33 lakh |
Minor Projects (All sponsored by U.G.C.)
S.No. | Faculty | Projects | Year | Grant Received (inRs.) |
1 | Dr. S. PARI | Investigation on the Growth and Characterization of NLO Active Semi-organic Crystals | 2009-11 | 2,00,000/- |
2 | Dr.A.T.RAVICHANDRAN | Growth and Characterization of BSO Crystals and Fabrication of Electro optic modulato | 2002-04 | 28,000/- |
3 | Dr. T.V. SUNDAR | Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction Studies of Some Potential Cardiovascular Drugs with 1,4-Dihydropyridine Moiety | 2009-11 | 1.99,000/- |
X-ray Crystal and Molecular Structure Determination of Some Biologically Important Small Molecules | 2002-04 | 22,000/- | ||
4 | Dr. S. KUMARESAN | Nano crystalline CdZnS film for optoelectronic applications | 2008-10 | 72,000/- |
5 | Dr. V.HARIHARA KRISHNAN | Ultrasonic Viscometric and Conducting studies and Conductivity studies of Electrolytes and Nanomaterials. | 2010-12 | 40,000/- |
6 | Dr. B. S. SRI KANTH | Nano Acoustical characterization of carbohydrates and sugar alcohols | 2010-12 | 40000/- |
7 | Dr. M. IYANAR | Growth and characterization of pure and Amino Acid doped sodium Acid phthalate single crystal for non Linear optical (NLO) Applications | 2010-12 | 1,25,000/- |
8 | Dr. J. GEETHA PRIYA | Analysis of vibrational spectra, abinitio and DFT calculations of some hetero cyclic basis with reference to pharmaceutical applications. | 2010-12 | 1,45,000/- |
Total | 8,71,000/- |
Ph.D. and M.Phil. Research Supervisors
No. of Guides available in the Department for M.Phil. Programme: 13
No. of Guides available in the Department for Ph.D. Programme: 8
S.No | Research Guides | Area of Research Expertise | Scholars Awarded Degree | Scholars Pursuing Degree | ||
Ph.D. | M.Phil. | Ph.D. | M.Phil. | |||
1 | Dr. S. Pari* Associate Professor & Head |
Crystal Growth & NLO Materials | 5 | 40 | 3 | 2 |
2 | Dr. A.T. Ravichandran* Associate Professor |
Crystal Growth, Thin films & Nanomaterials | 7 | 45 | 4 | 4 |
3 | Dr. M. Elanthiraiyan Associate Professor |
Bio Physics and Spectroscopy | - | 30 | - | 2 |
4 | Dr. S. Ravi* Associate Professor |
Liquid state Physics & Nano technology | 2 | 15 | - | 2 |
5 | Dr. T.V. Sundar* Associate Professor |
X- Ray Crystallography, Molecular Analysis using Machine learning & Bioinformatics | 1 | 18 | 1 | 2 |
6 | Dr. R. Ramasamy* Assistant Professor (SS) |
Vibrational Spectroscopy Materials Science and Liquid State Physics. | 4 | 15 | 1 | 1 |
7 | Dr. S. Kumaresan Assistant Professor (SS) |
Thin Films | - | 15 | - | 1 |
8 | Dr. V. Hariharakrishnan* Assistant Professor (SS) |
Liquid State Physics | - | 12 | 1 | 1 |
9 | Dr. S. Muruganantham* Assistant Professor (SS) |
Nuclear Physics &Thin Films | - | 12 | 2 | 1 |
10 | Dr. M. Iyanar* Assistant Professor (SS) |
Crystal Growth | - | 11 | 1 | 1 |
11 | Dr. J. Geetha Priya Assistant Professor (SS) |
Density Functional Theory Analysis | - | 1 | - | 1 |
12 | Dr. P. Jaikumar Assistant Professor | Crystal Growth | - | - | - | 1 |
13 | Dr. A. Robert Xavier Assistant Professor |
Materials Science | - | - | - | 1 |
* Offer research guidance to both M.Phil. and Ph.D. Scholars.
Ph.D. Scholars |
Completed: 27 |
Doing: 18 |
M.Phil. Scholars |
Completed: 250 |
Doing: 45 |
Date | Convener, Organizing Secretary | Name of the Program | Resource Person |
10.06.2020 | Dr. A.T. Ravichandran, Dr. M. Kumaresavanji |
25.07.2020 | Dr.S.Pari | Preparation Methods and Deposition Techniques of Nanostructures- NATIONAL WEBINAR | Dr. R. Jayavel, Professor and Director, Centre for nanoscience and Technology, Anna University, Chennai |
18.08.2020 | Dr.S.Pari, Dr. V. Hariharakrishnan |
Scientific Writing and Publishing- NATIONAL WEBINAR | Dr. J. Madhavan, Associate Professor and Dean of Research, Department of Physics, Loyola College, Chennai |
31.08.2020 | Dr.S.Pari, Dr. M. Elanthiraiyan |
Weather and Observation System- NATIONAL WEBINAR | Dr. S.R. Ramanan, Former Director, Regional Meterological Centre, Chennai |
24.12.2020 | Dr.S.Pari, Dr. S. Muruganandam |
Nanostructured Oxide Materials for Thermoelectric Applications NATIONAL WEBINAR | Dr. M. Arivanandhan, Associcate Professor, Centre for Nanoscience and Technology, Anna University, Chennai |
PG and Research department of Physics, National College organised an International webinar on 10. 06. 2020 through Google meet and YouTube live streaming. Dr. Julian Andres Munevar Cagigas, UFABC, Sao Paulo, Brazil was the resource person and delivered a special lecture on "LOCAL PROBE TECHNIQUES: A MICROSCOPIC LOOK AT PHYSICAL PROPERTIES IN MATTER". The chief guest opened with basic ideas on nanomaterial synthesis. He gave brief description about muon spin rotation and Mossbauer spectroscopy in material analysis. He motivated the students to take part in the research and explain the scope of the research in the field of magnetic nanomaterial. Dr. A. T. Ravichandran, COE & Associate Professor welcomed the gathering. Dr. R. Sundararaman, Principal delivered the presidential address. Dr. M. Kumaresavanji, Assistant Professor introduced the chief guest. The Department of Physics expresses its heartfelt thanks to our Secretary, Shri K. Raghunathan for giving the opportunity for conducting an International Webinar, Dr. R. Sundararaman, Principal and Dr. S.Pari, Associate Professor, Head of the Department for their support and encouragement for this event. Dr.P.Jaikumar, Assistant Professor delivered the vote of thanks. Nearly 260 participants attended this webinar. Among these, 10 participants from overseas and 60 from outside Tamilnadu.
National Seminar
U.G.C. sponsored one day National conference on Advanced Functional Materials (NCAFM-2020) in association with ISTA-Elavenil on February 13, 2020. (Convener: Dr. S. Pari)
Endowment Lectures
Golden/Diamond Jubilee Endowment Lecture
Academic Year | Date | Speaker | Topic | Convener |
2019-20 | 14/2/2020 | Dr. S. Raghavan, Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli | Microwave Integrated Circuits - Essentials | Dr.S.Muruganantham |
Nobel Laureate Bharat Ratna C.V. Raman Memorial Endowment Lecture
Event Co-ordinator- Dr. A.T. Ravichandran
Academic Year | Date | Speaker | Topic |
2019-20 | 9/3/2020 | Mr. A. RAMASAMYRAMASAMYn, Director, Satish Dawan Space Centre,SHAR, Sriharikota | Making a difference with space |
For a glance of past events click here
Events 2014
Events 2013
Events 2012
The graduate students enrolled generally join M.Sc., and B.Ed. programs. Appreciable number of postgraduates join M.Phil. and Ph.D. programs. Students intending to go for jobs are facilitated with the guidance of placement cell in the college. The faculty of the department also often provide career sensitization to the students. Some of our alumni, graduated in the recent past, are working in the Tamil Nadu Medical Service as X-ray and Sonogram technicians.
Our Distinguished Alumni
The department is proud of possessing a well-populated list of our alumni occupied/occupying prominent positions in the society. For a glance of thier names click the given link
UG Programmes
PG Programmes
M.Phil Programmes
Ph.D Programmes
Diploma Programmes
Diploma Programmes |
Fabrication Engineering |
Factory Management |
E-Commerce & Accounting |
Gemmology |
Journalism & Editing |
Post Graduate Diploma Programmes |
Bioprocess Technology |
Clinical Trial Management & Regulatory Affairs |
Certificate Programmes
Certificate Programmes |
Human Rights Education |
Tally |
Photoshop |
Office Automation |
Web Designing |
Biomedical Waste Management |
Tourism & Travel Management |
Functional English |
Other Programmes |
HCL Computer Certificate |
ACS Coaching |
NET/SET Coaching |