About Library
About Library
The library of National College has a vibrant and long history. It started functioning on a modest scale in a Class Room, with just 470 books during the inception of the college in 1919.
Today, the nearly a century old library boasts of a vast collection of books on a wide range of subjects. The massive collection of about 1,25,000 volumes including very rare texts is the pride of National College. In addition, the library provides access to 105 national as well as international journals in print as well as online. In tune with the changing times and technology, the library automation programme was initiated in2010 and networking with the Bharatidasan University Library has been completed.
Library Statistics
Books (Print)
Journals (Print)
Back volumes
News paper
(N-LIST and DELNET) E-Journals
(N-LIST and DELNET) E-Books
Audio Visual Theatre
A/C. Conference Hall
In addition to the conventional sections such as Stacks, Reference, Circulation, Periodicals, Technical Section Thesis and Dissertation, the building houses a large Audio Visual Theatre, spacious Conference Hall, E-Library, Librarian Chamber and Office. In short, library is a communication centre backed by technology.
Acquisition & Technical Section
The A&T section takes care of the systematic compilation of requirements from the departments, Ordering of Books, Accessioning, Classification, Indexing and processing of books .It also develops bibliographic database of books and other resources.
Circulation Section
Registration of membership, Issue of bar coded ID cards, Issue and Receipt of books, Collection of dues, and No dues certification are handled by this section. Circulation process is fully automated with barcode technology and web enabled OPAC.
Reference Section
The reference section contains general reference like Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Year books, Directories, Gazetteers, Handbooks, Manuals etc., and subject reference books, books for competitive exams, Career development and personality development. The books are mainly meant for in-house academic reference. A separate collection of research oriented books and books for civil services examinations are also maintained.
Periodical Section
It maintains 105 subscribed periodicals, of which 100 are national and 5 are international. The current research information can be accessed through these resources and apart from this; more than 5000 e-journals can be accessed on-line through UGC – NLIST.
Thesis Section
A collection of 607 Ph.D. Thesis, 2800 M.Phil. Dissertation and 3740 PG Projects are organized and made accessible to the research scholars. Subject wise List of thesis is readily available with the section in-charge for reference.
Stack Room
The Stack room located at the ground floor facilitates safe custody of valuable books. The stack has been well organized, maintained and arranged using latest edition of Dewey decimal classification for easy retrieval.
The library functions between 6.00 a.m to 8.00 p.m on all working days of the college
Library General Rules
- All students of the college are members of the library.
- Strict silence should be maintained in the library
- All the students / scholars and outsiders entering the library shall keep their bags and other belongings in the entrance
- Only papers and library books to be returned are allowed inside the library
- Do not leave any valuables at the Personnel belonging section.
- Library is not responsible for any loss of personal belongings
- Identity card is compulsory for getting access to the library. This should be presented in the electronic gate register during entry and exit
- Beverages and eatables are not allowed inside the library
- Using Cell phones inside the library is strictly prohibited
- No photographs of the library shall be taken without proper authorization
- Demand and suggestion slips are available at the circulation desk for the users of library
- Books/other material taken from the stacks should not be re-shelved by the readers. Books should be left on the reading table after use.(Please remember that a document misplaced is a document lost)
- The librarian reserves the right to suspend the membership of any member found misbehaving with the library staff or any other member
Borrowing Rules
Staff and students can borrow and return the library books using their bar coded identity cards. Books will be issued only on presentation of the Identity card bearing the name, number and signature of the student. In case the card is lost, the Librarian should be informed of the fact at once, failing which the owner of the card will be held responsible for the books issued on presentation of that card. A lost card may be replaced with a duplicate.
A student requiring a book for home reading should fill in an application form to be obtained from the Library Assistant and submit it before 9.40 a.m. The Assistant will ordinarily issue the books, if available, between 2.20 p.m and 5.00 p.m.
Readers must, on receiving a book, examine it, and repost to the library assistant any damage found therein. If they fail to do so, they will be held responsible for any damage that may be detected later.
The book should be returned on or before the due date which is marked on the last page of all library books. Failure to return the books in time will entail a fine of Rs.1/- per book per day.
Students are allowed to take two books for U.G and P.G., three books for M.Phil. and five books for Ph.D.
Books can be returned to the library on any day between 9.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
All books must be returned on or before the last date of the academic year or the last date of the examination of the student whichever is later.
Students can make use of the Photocopying facility available in the general library.
An exclusive Audio-Visual facility with internet connectivity is available in the library the students are exhorted to make the best use of the library.
- E-learning service
- E-Alert service
- Domain – Specific User Orientation
- Document Delivery Request
- Service on Request
- Multimedia Service
- E-Reference Desk
- Photocopying /scanning / printing Service
- Virtual Reference Library
- TNPSC Guide line classes
- Typewriting Classes
- Movie Screening Audio Visual Theatre
- Institutional Repositories (Digital version of Rare Books & Question Paper)
Library Centre Floor Plan

Ground Floor
- Stack-I (Tamil, English and Sanskrit)
- Stack-II (Economics, History and Philosophy)
- Stack-III (Physics, Commerce, Management and Hindi)
First Floor
- E-Gate
- Librarian Cabin
- Reference Section
- Journal section
- Competitive Exam Section
- Stack-IV (Botany, Biotechnology, Microbiology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Geology and library)
- Circulation Desk
- Reading Hall
- OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)
- News Paper Section
- Notice Board Display
- Magazine Section
- Reprographic Service
- Property Counter
Second Floor
- Rare Books section
- Journal Back Volumes
- Ph.D. and M.Phil Thesis Section
- Digital Library
- Audio-Visual Theatre
- A/C. Conference Hall
- Certificate Programme: C.L.I.Sc (Certificate Programme in Library and Information Science)
- Duration: 6 months.
- Dr.S.R.Ranganathan Endowment Lecture.
- (Dr.S.R.Ranganathan is the Father of Library Science in India).
Annual Reports
Open Access E-Resources
Executive Summary
Plagiarism Checking Service
- The Library has now the facility to detect plagiarism using the software like CheckForPlag: Global Plagiarism Checker A "Make in India" Initiative.
About CFP Click Here
- The software helps to detect the possible plagiarism in a document and generates a report showing the similarities with other documents.
- Library handles plagiarism verification for Ph.D. theses, M.Phil dissertations, Projects, Papers presented for conference/ workshop, abstracts through Urkund Antiplagiarism software. The students, research scholars and staff members need to submit the Request letter from endorsed by the respective supervisors and Principal.
- The Submission of documents for plagiarism check should be e-mailed to sureshkumart@nct.ac.in.
DELNET (Developing Library Network)
The main objectives of DELNET are to promote resource sharing among the member libraries by collecting, storing and disseminating information and provide networked services to researchers and scholars to supplement their research activity.
DELNET has been actively engaged with the compilation of various Union Catalogues of the resources available in member-libraries.It has created the Union Catalogue of Books, Union List of Current Periodicals, Union Catalogue of Periodicals, CD-ROM Database, Database of Indian Specialists, Database of Periodical Articles, Union List of Video Recordings, Urdu Manuscripts' Database, Database of Theses and Dissertations, sample databases of language publications using GIST technology and several other databases.
DELNET at present has 6958 libraries as its members, of which 291 libraries are in Delhi, 6667 outside Delhi in 33 States and Union Territories and 25 in overseas countries.
National College (Autonomous) is an institutional member of DELNET. DELNET is offering Inter-Library Loan & Document Delivery Services to its member libraries
To access DELNET Click Here DELNET
Citation Database
Citation Index
A citation index is a kind of Bibliographic index, an index of citation between publications allowing the user to easily establish which later document cite which earlier document
Impact Factor
An impact is the average number of citations received for each published articles in that particular year. Impact factor determines the ranking of a journal in the specific category which can be found in the journal citation reports.
The h-index is an author-level metric that attempts to measure both the productivity and citation impact of the publications of a scientist or scholar. The index is based on the set of the scientist's most cited papers and the number of citations that they have received in other publications.
Indian Citation Index
Indian Citation Index is an abstracts and citation database, with multidisciplinary objective information/knowledge contents from about 1000 top Indian scholarly journals. It provides powerful search engine basically to perform search and evaluation for researchers, policy makers, decision .
Google Scholar Citations
Google Scholar Citations provide a simple way for authors to keep track of citations to their articles. You can check who is citing your publications, graph citations over time, and compute several citation metrics. You can also make your profile public, so that it may appear in Google Scholar.

The Project entitled "National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content (N-LIST)", being jointly executed by the e-ShodhSindhu Consortium, INFLIBNET Centre and the INDEST-AICTE Consortium, IIT Delhi provides for i) cross-subscription to e-resources subscribed by the two Consortia, i.e. subscription to INDEST-AICTE resources for universities and e-ShodhSindhu resources for technical institutions; and ii) access to selected e-resources to colleges. The N-LIST project provides access to e-resources to students, researchers and faculty from colleges and other beneficiary institutions through server(s) installed at the INFLIBNET Centre. The authorized users from colleges can now access e-resources and download articles required by them directly from the publisher's website once they are duly authenticated as authorized users through servers deployed at the INFLIBNET Centre.
Note: From Year 2014, N-LIST programme is subsumed under e-ShodhSindhu Consortium as college component. The colleges (except Agriculture, Engineering, Management, Medical, Pharmacy, Dentistry and Nursing) in India are eligible to get access e-resources under N-LIST programme.
To access N-LIST Click Here N-LIST
Open Digital Libraries
Digital Libraries | |
World Digital Libraries | https://www.wdl.org/en/ |
eGyanKosh (IGNOU) | http://www.egyankosh.ac.in/ |
Directory of Open Access Repositories | http://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/opendoar/ |
Open Access Library | https://www.oalib.com/ |
Internet Achieve | https://archive.org/ |
The Universal Digital Library Million Book Collection | https://www.panopto.com/ |
Infoport | https://infoport.inflibnet.ac.in/ |
Virtual Library | http://vlib.org/ |
Hathi Trust Digital Library | https://www.hathitrust.org/ |
WorldWideScience.org | https://worldwidescience.org/ |
Library Usage Statics
- Library User Orientation Programmes
- Best Library User Award for 30 Students in every year
- Organizing Annual Book Fair
- Computerization of Library Housekeeping Operations with NIRMAL Software with Barcode enabled technology
- Displaying New Arrivals
- Screening the Educational and Innovative Environmental Technology Movies in every week.
- Organizing Faculty Development Programme
- Organizing Seminar/Conference and Workshop for the benefit of Library and Information Science Professionals, Research Scholars and Faculty members.
- Plagiarism checking services.
- External Reader Membership for Research Scholars.
- Inter Library Loan (ILL) services
- Usage Statistics
- ICT-Enabled Services
- Annual Report
- TNPSC and Civil Service Coaching Classes conducting in every year.
- Computerization of Library Housekeeping Operations with ROVAN LMS Software with Barcode and RFID enabled technology.
- Institutional Repositories (IR) and Current Content Management system implemented.
- Organising Competition for students annually
- NVDA for Visually Challenged Students
- Creating Awareness about
- CCTV Camera surveillances implemented
- Rare Books Digitalization
Spoken Tutorials
To access Spoken Tutorials Click Here https://spoken-tutorial.org/
Library Statistics
User statistics Jun-Nov-2018
Total Library Users (Students) | 17880 |
Total Library Users(Others) | 1704 |

User statistics Nov- 2018 to Apr-2019
Sl.No | Months | Number of Students | Number of Staff |
1 | Nov | 1975 | 210 |
2 | Dec | 3671 | 282 |
3 | Jan | 2735 | 337 |
4 | Feb | 4100 | 484 |
5 | Mar | 4499 | 496 |
6 | Apr | 1315 | 192 |
Total | 18295 | 2001 |

User statistics Jun-2018 to Apr-2019
Sl.No | Category | Books Added in the Academic Year | |
2017-18 | 2018-19 | ||
1 | UGC-UG | 387 | 971 |
2 | Special Fees | 90 | 177 |
3 | TC Books | 379 | 332 |
4 | GT (Gift Books) | 114 | 331 |
5 | UGC-PG | 0 | 0 |
Total | 970 | 1811 |

Users Utilization Statistics Nov- Apr-2019
Sl.No | Services | No. of UsersUtilized |
1 | Reference Services | 8415 |
2 | Circulation services | 10802 |
3 | E- Library Services | 316 |
4 | Movie Screening | 568 |
5 | Over Night Reference | 773 |
6 | Theses Reference Services | 79 |
7 | Plagiarism Services | 5 |
8 | Xerox Facilities | 312 |
9 | News Paper and Magazines | 9015 |

User Statistics
User Statistics Jun-2019-Nov-2019
Sl.No | Months | Number of Students | Number of Staff |
1 | Jun | 4211 | 216 |
2 | Jul | 6252 | 271 |
3 | Aug | 8918 | 339 |
4 | Sep | 8283 | 461 |
5 | Oct | 5377 | 435 |
6 | Nov | 3819 | 112 |
Total | 36860 | 1834 |

Resources Center Books Issue / Return and Reference
User Statistics Jun-2019-Nov-2019
Sl.No | Months | No. of Reference Section Users | No. of Books Issue/Return |
1 | Jun | 710 | 890 |
2 | Jul | 1822 | 1712 |
3 | Aug | 1355 | 1913 |
4 | Sep | 1412 | 1738 |
5 | Oct | 1788 | 2053 |
6 | Nov | 709 | 1801 |
7796 | 10107 |
Resource Center Users Utilizations Jun-Nov-2019
Sl.No | Services | No. of Users |
1 | Books Circulation | 10107 |
2 | Reference Services | 7796 |
3 | AV Theatre Services | 512 |
4 | Digital Library Services | 434 |
5 | Plagiarism Services | 14 |
6 | Over Night Books Issues | 384 |
7 | Journals Users | 510 |
8 | TNPSC Examination Classes | 73 |
9 | Xerox Facility | 862 |
10 | News Papers and Magazines | 16256 |

Central Library Visitor Register Statistics
Even Semester Oct 2019 to Mar-2020
Sl.No | Months | Number of Students | Number of Staff |
1 | Oct | 1910 | 110 |
2 | Nov | 2138 | 252 |
3 | Dec | 7640 | 317 |
4 | Jan | 4358 | 484 |
5 | Feb | 5910 | 496 |
6 | Mar | 4810 | 192 |
Total | 26766 | 1851 |

Central Library Books Added in the Academic year 2019-2020
Sl.No | Category | Books Added in the Academic Year | |
2018-19 | 2019-20 | ||
1 | UGC-UG | 971 | 807 |
2 | Special Fees | 177 | 108 |
3 | TC Books | 332 | 23 |
4 | GT (Gift Books) | 331 | 582 |
5 | UGC-PG | 0 | 0 |
Total | 1811 | 1520 |

Central Library User Services and its Utilization Oct-2019 to Mar-2020
Sl.No | Services | No. of Users Utilized |
1 | Reference Services | 9415 |
2 | Circulation services | 9824 |
3 | E- Library Services | 1325 |
4 | Movie Screening | 573 |
5 | Over Night Reference | 782 |
6 | Theses Reference Services | 123 |
7 | Plagiarism Services | 7 |
8 | Xerox Facilities | 9015 |
9 | Typewriting Institute | 62 |
10 |
Annual Report
Contact Details:
Dr.T.Sureshkumar., M.Sc., M.L.I.Sc., M.Phil., PGDCA., Ph.D.,
National College (Autonomous),
Tiruchirappalli-620 001.
Mobile: 94438 36015, 79044 55158
Vidwan ID: Click Here
Library Automation
Rare Books List
Resource Centre