Autonomous Examinations
- Students Register Number Fixation
- Autonomous Examinations
- Issue of Hall Tickets for Autonomous Examinations
- Guidelines for Examinations
- Question Paper Patern
- Evaluation
- Passing Minimum
- Grading System
- Revision of Regulations & Curriculum
Students Register Number Fixation
Students Register Number Fixation
The following system is adopted for allotting Register Number for the students admitted in different UG and PG programmes. Illustration: A Register Number consisting of nine characters is allotted for a student admitted in the UG / PG programme. For instance, a students in Botany would have BO U A 12 001; Where the characters represent the following.
Character Position | Property | Code | Description |
First Two characters | Alphabets | BO | BOTANY |
Third character | Alphabet | U/P/M/R* | (See below) |
Fourth Character | Alphabet | A/S# | (See below) |
Fifth and Sixth Character | Numeric | 12 | Year of Admission |
Seventh,Eighth and Ninth | Numeric | 001 | Roll Order of Admission |
* U for UG, P for PG, M for M.Phil., R for Ph.D., | |||
# A for Aided Programme; S for Un-Aided Programme |
Programme Duration
The UG programme is for a period of three years and PG programme is for two years. Each year shall consist of two semesters viz. Odd and Even semesters. Odd semesters shall be from June / July to October / November and Even semesters shall be from November / December to April / May. There shall be minimum of 90 working days.
Courses in Programmes
The UG and PG programme consists of number of courses. The term ‘course’ is applied to indicate a logical part of the subject matter of the programme and is invariably equivalent to the subject matter of a “paper” in the conventional sense. The details of Language courses, Allied courses, Core courses and Elective courses, Non-major elective courses, Skill-based elective courses, Environmental studies, value education, Gender Studies and project work for each programme shall be found in the syllabus book provided to the students.
Each course shall be designed variously under lectures / tutorials / laboratory or field work / seminar / practical training / assignments / term paper or report writing etc., to meet effective teaching and learning needs.
Autonomous Examinations
Autonomous Examinations
- There shall be examinations at the end of each semester, for odd semesters in the month of October/November; for even semesters in April/ May.
- A candidate who does not pass the examination in any course(s) may be permitted to appear in such failed course (s) in the subsequent examinations to be held in October / November or April / May. However candidates who have arrears in Practicals shall be permitted to take their arrear Practical examination only along with Regular Practical examination in the respective semester.
- Viva-Voce: Each candidate shall be required to appear for Viva-Voce Examination (in defence of the Project only).
- Oral examination: Communicative English courses and all the practical courses in the Science departments will have oral examination. Oral examination shall have a maximum of 5 marks adding to the component of 75 marks (Theory / Practical – 70 + Oral exam - 5 = 75 marks).
Issue of Hall Tickets for Autonomous Examinations
Issue of Hall Tickets for Autonomous Examinations
Students who enroll for a Degree or Diploma programme shall appear for all the end semester examinations in the First Semester without having to apply for it. The fee for the examination is collected along with the Semester fee for every semester. However, from second semester onwards, students need to apply for the end semester examinations through ‘On-line’ registration system. The online exam application link is available on College website (
In case of students having arrear examinations, they need to specify the arrear courses at the time of online-submission of exam applications. The fee for arrear courses alone need to be paid through college office/bank separately. Upon successful completion of the online exam application procedure within the stipulated time period as communicated by the Controller’s office, the student may take out his own ‘Hall-Ticket’ in the printed format.
The student may not be able to apply for the online examination using his registration details if he / she has semester payment dues. If he / she falls short of the required percentage of attendance, He / She may not be able to download the Hall-Ticket.
Note: The online exam application weblink and hall ticket printing out facility may be kept open for students’ access only for a limited period of time as will be announced during the end of each semester. Beyond this time period, no student may have access to do so. Students who fail to apply through online mode for semester examinations may not be permitted to appear for the exams under any circumstances. Students who fail to print their own hall-ticket within this ‘access-period’ may not be permitted to appear for the exams under any circumstances.
Attendance: Students must have 75% of attendance in each semester for appearing the examination. Students who have 60% to 74% of attendance shall apply for condonation only for genuine medical reasons. Such candidates may apply for condonation with prescribed fee and a valid medical certificate. Students who have below 60% of attendance are not eligible to appear for the examination. They shall re-do the semester(s) after completion of the programme.
Guidelines for Examinations
Guidelines for Examinations
- Students have to submit filled in examination application form to the Controller of Examination (COE) before the last date as announced by the COE.
- Examination application forms will not be issued to the students who do not pay the college/exam fees.
- Hall Tickets will not be issued to the students who do not pay college fees and/or examination fees and to those who do not submit applications for examination.
- Students are also asked to follow guidelines of minimum requirement of attendance for examinations.
- Examinations commence at 9.30 am for the Morning Session & 2.00 pm for the Evening Session.
- Examinations end at12.30 pm for the Morning Session & 5.00 pm for the Evening Session.
- Candidates are allowed to enter the examination Hall at 9.20 am and 1.50 pm in the Morning & Evening respectively.
- No candidate is allowed to enter the examination Hall after the commencement of the examination i.e.9.30 am and 2.00 pm for the Morning & Evening Sessions respectively.
- Candidates have to remain in the hall till the end of examinations i.e.12.30 pm for the Morning & 5.00 pm for the Evening Session.
- No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination Hall without Hall Ticket and Identity Card.
- Photograph is compulsory both in Hall Ticket and Identity Card.
- Students have to get Invigilators signature on the answer Paper.
- Malpractice in any form will be severely dealt with.
- Students who are found involved in malpractice in any form will not be permitted to write subsequent examinations in the semester and all the examinations of the next semester.
- No student is allowed to walk along the verandah during the examination.
- At the end of the examination, candidates have to submit the answer papers and wait till the invigilators ask the candidates to leave the hall.
Question Paper Patern
Question Paper Patern
The general pattern of the question paper (theory) for end semester examinations shall be followed as given below.
Part A |
Ten Questions (No choice) Two Questions from each Unit |
10 x 2 = 20 marks |
Part B |
Five Questions (EITHER-OR-type) One Question from each Unit |
5 x 5 = 25 marks |
Part C |
Three Questions out of five One Question from each unit |
3 x 10 = 30 marks |
However, students are advised to contact their respective class-in-charge or Head of the Department for any change in the question paper pattern suggested above. There may be alterations in the question paper pattern owing to specific needs of the courses or progammes.
The performance of a student in each course is evaluated in terms of percentage of marks with a provision for conversion to grade points. Evaluation for each course shall be done by a continuous internal assessment by the concerned Course Teacher as well as by an end semester examination and will be consolidated at the end of the course. The components for continuous internal assessment are :
Components | Under Graduate | Post Graduate | M.Phil. |
Assignments | 3 x 2 Marks = 06 Marks | 3 x 2 Marks = 06 Marks | 5 x 2 Marks = 10 Marks |
CIA Test | 2 x 7 Marks = 14 Marks | 5 +7 Marks =12 Marks | 1 x10 Marks = 10 Marks |
Seminar | ------ | 1x 2 Marks = 02 Marks | 1 x 05Marks = 05 Marks |
Teaching Practice | ------ | ------ | 10 Marks |
Attendance | 05 Marks | 05 Marks | 05 Marks |
Total | 25 Marks | 25 Marks | 40 Marks |
Marks for attendance will be awarded as below
95-100% - 5marks |
90-95% - 4marks |
85-90% - 3marks |
80-85% - 2marks |
75-80% - 1marks |
Less than 75% - withheld |
The components for the Continuous Internal Assessment in the practical (for both UG & PG) are as follow:
For Degree Programmes that does not have field work | For Degree Programmes that have field work | |
Observation Note | 10 Marks | 10 Marks |
Record Note | 10 Marks | 10 Marks |
Model Test | 05 Marks | 05 Marks |
Total | 25 Marks | 25 Marks |
The end semester practical examination will be conducted with the following components:
Practical = 70 Marks |
Oral = 05 Marks |
Passing Minimum
Passing Minimum
Under Graduate Programme
The passing minimum for continuous Internal Assessment and Autonomous Examination shall be 40% individually and as aggregrate.
Post Graduate Programme
A candidate shall be declared to have passed in each course if he/she secures not less than 40% marks in the end semester examinations and 40% marks in the Continuous Internal Assessment and not less than 50% in the aggregate, taking Continuous assessment and Autonomous Examinations marks together. M.Phil Candidates shall be declared to have passed each course if he / she secures not less than 50% marks in the end semester examinations and 50% marks in the CIA and not less than 50% as aggregrate.
Supplementary Exams
Supplementary exams are conducted for out-going students at the end of final semester within 15 Days of declaration of results for those students who have arrears in only one course.
Improvement of Internal Assessment Marks
Students who are absent in the CIA Test / Assignments shall be permitted to write the Test/Assignments before finalizing the CIA marks during the semester by remitting a fee of Rs. 50/- per course. The dates of the test will be decided by the Head of the Department concerned in consultation with the staff in-charge of the respective course.
Students who were absent in the CIA Test / Assignment and who have not availed the above provision shall be permitted to improve the CIA marks by writing the Test or submitting the Assignments within 5 days from the date of publication of CIA marks, by remitting a fee of Rs. 100/- per course.Students who fail to secure the passing minimum in a CIA of a course shall be permitted (only once) to improve the Internal Assessment in the subsequent semesters by writing Three Assignments and Two Tests upon remitting a fee of Rs. 100/- per course.
In case of PG students, those who secured passing minimum of 40% in both CIA and Autonomous Examination but failed to secure 50% in aggregate shall be considered as ‘failed’. Such students may not be permitted to improve CIA. However, he / she shall only appear for the theory examination in the subsequent semesters so as to secure the minimum pass of 50% in aggregate.
Transparency, Re-totaling and Revaluation
There is a provision for obtaining transparency (photocopy) of the answer scripts by remitting a fee of Rs. 200/- per course. A student may also opt for re-totaling of his/her answer scripts by remitting a fee of Rs. 300/- per course.
A student may also apply for revaluation of the answer scripts by remitting a fee of Rs. 500/- per course. However, in the process of revaluation, the answer scripts for the course concerned may not be revaluated directly. Rather, the transparency of the answer scripts for the applied course would be scrutinized for the essentiality before revaluation.
Improvement of marks
There is a provision to permit students willing to improve their marks / Grade Point by appearing in the immediate subsequent end semester examinations, provided the student does not have any arrear till that semester. A fee of Rs.500/- per course shall be collected for the improvement examination. Only one chance per course shall be permitted and the student must specify the improvement courses separately while applying for the exam;ination. This scheme is only meant for purposeful improvement of a student’s grade point average and such students who avail this facility may not be considered eligible to complete for Autonomous Ranks and University Rank Examination (URE).
Grading System
Grading System
Conversion of Marks to Grade Points and Grades
90 - 100 | O | Outstanding | 10 |
75 - 89 | D | Distinction | 9 |
65 - 74 | A+ | Very Good | 8 |
60 - 64 | A | Good | 7 |
50 - 59 | B | Average | 6 |
40 - 49# | C | Satisfactory | 5 |
Below 40# | U | Re-appear | 0 |
Below 50@ | U | Re-appear | 0 |
ABSENT | - | - | - |
Grade Point Average (GPA) = Σ (Credits x Grade Points) / Σ Credits (For each semester)
Cumulative Grade Point Average(GPA) = Σ (Credits x Grade Points) / Σ Credits (for all the semesters)
9.0 and above but below 10.0 | O | First Class - Exemplary |
7.5 and above but below 9.0 | D | First Class with Distinction |
6.5 and above but below 7.5 | A+ | First Class |
6.0 and above but below 6.5 | A | First Class |
5.0 and above but below 6.0 | B | Second Class |
4.0 and above but below 5.0# | C | Third Class |
0.0 and above but below 4.0# | U | Re-appear |
0.0 and above but below 5.0@ | U | Re-appear |
The term ‘Credit’ refers to the weightage given to a course, usually in relation to the instructional hours and content of the course assigned to it. The total minimum credits, required for completing a UG Programme is 120 and PG programme is 90. The details of credits for individual components and individual courses shall be obtained from the course structure of the syllabus book provided to the students.
Ranking System
Two rank certificates shall be issued for every Programme under Autonomous Stream. The Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli, conducts University Rank Examination (URE) for the toppers in every programme.
First rank-holders of all autonomous colleges and top 20 Rank holders of non-autonomous colleges (having passed the examinations in the first appearance within the prescribed duration of the programme; absence from an exam shall not be taken is an attempt) are required to take the examination.
The question papers of the examination comprise of objective type questions covering the core courses in each of the programme. The top scorers of University Rank Examination shall be declared as University Rank holders, irrespective of grades in their end-semester Autonomous examinations.
Revision of Regulations & Curriculum
Revision of Regulations & Curriculum
The college may from time-to-time revise, amend and change the regulations and the curriculum, if found necessary. Any such change shall be communicated through Circulars from the Principal’s Office or through Academic Dean.