Policy Maintenance
A timetable is arranged in such a manner that laboratories are used for various classes at different times
Some of the programs are offered in the second shift
Contact classes of parttime programs are conducted on holidays and after the class hours on working days
Auditorium and Seminar halls are offered for public use for educationrelated activities at nominal charges
Tiruchirapalli District Cricket Association and Fencing Association are permitted to make use of the ground daily in the morning and evening hours
The college premises are made available to Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, Indira Gandhi National Open University, Tamil Nadu Open University, State Bank of India, Karur Vysya Bank, Power Grid Corporation of India, Amrita University, TANCET, etc for the conduct of their examinations
There is a Purchase Committee in the College. At the beginning of the year, Principal allocates grants to various departments for the purchase of equipment and books. The HoDs of the department in consultation with the staff members decide about the requirement of books and equipment. The department HoD call for quotation from various suppliers and prepare the comparative statement of prices quoted by suppliers. The lowest quotation is chosen. All the quotation documents are forwarded to the College office. The purchase committee scrutinizes the documents and approves them. The purchase order is sent to the supplier through the Principal’s office
The Principal allocates grants to the Library for the purchase of common and reference books. Librarian obtains quotations and prepares a comparative statement for the lowest quotation. The Purchase committee after verification approves it to place a purchase order
The requirement of Computers and other gadgets is obtained from the departments and the college office. The purchase committee calls for a quotation and finalizes the lowest quotation
The Head of the Department of Physical Education submits to the list of Sports and Games articles required for the year. He also obtains a quotation from the suppliers and prepares a comparative statement to finalize the lowest quotation and submit to the Principal's office. The purchase committee approves the document